Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Professional Hazards

There are a FEW too many things on this blog that will disrupt my Professional life almost completely. I need to remove a post or two, so that I can survive, and continue surviving! So, all my 3 readers...a post or two will be removed for my benefit. I hope you guys understand! Peace.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

What's Love got to do with it???

People I grew up with are getting married. They are taking the big plunge. The vows, the till death do us apart, the whole deal. And that scares me! I fall in love with way too many people. I feel like I am hogging the scene when it comes to falling in and soon enough out of love. When I look at my parents who have been married for almost 30 years now, I feel elated, because they managed to stand still against all odds. But, when I go out in my world again, I feel like a fool. All the hope vanishes into thin air and what remains, is this over-powering uncertainity. Hope, like Love I think is a useless emotion. I don't mean I don't believe in Love anymore, but does the whole, love lasts forever concept still stand? Or are we just fooling ourselves? Is it really possible to go through 30 years of your life with one partner, who slowly but surely turn into your worst nightmare? I really want monogamy to happen for me, but I am scared that it just might never! I remember joking about this with my friends a couple of years ago. I used to tell them, how I want to marry a couple of times so that the excitement never goes away, but really do we have the strength to do this for the rest of our lives? The meeting for a coffee...the messaging at all odd hours...the subtle and not so subtle flirting....the first kiss...the first fight..and the last fight! Does love slowly turn into compromise...and finally into tolerance? Does the fact that we have been together for too long count at the end of the day, when we can't spend 5 minutes with each other? Or is this just a part of what we have been told is LOVE?
It doesn't take a scientist to discover that love pretty much takes the backseat after a certain point. Then I wonder, what it is that still keeps us together? If only there was some way to know why and how people who are together..are together! Life would have been so simple. With every passing year, you become less perfect and more human. And with the license to vote and drink (not together!), comes the maturity. And with the maturity comes the understanding of the complications of life.
I guess, the fun part is finding all this out on your own. And keeping it to yourself. So that a couple of years later, there will be another love-struck moron with an identity crisis, trying to figure out...What's love got to do with it?!?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Cynics Unlimited.

We were younger when we called ourselves the 'Cynics Unlimited', very lovingly too. We laughed at everyone, judged everything with a pulse and anything (or anyone) that deviated from our line of thought was burnt in a large bon-fire. We loved only each other, and to become a part of this group, serious talent and more importantly proving that talent to each one of us was required. Having said this, I must mention, we could not be easily pleased, or bribed. Then we grew...not older, less younger. And although our ideologies remained the same, we all moved apart. Only physically.
5 years later when all of us meet, we remember the old times very fondly, but what scares me the most is that this Cynicism sometimes gets the best of all of us. I listen to all our conversations and we sound like we believe in very few things or nothing at all! We didn't grow up thinking Santa and the Tooth Fairy are creations of the corporate world. Silly concepts that milk money from the sissy kids. We also all fell in love, and looked for the Goddamn 'right guy' wherever we thought appropriate; the coffee shops, the malls, the bookstores, and the art exhibitions. Then when, and how did these girls become us?!
And the point to note here is, each one of us is happy with our cynicism. We accept it proudly, and we believe it is here to stay for the better. What are these experiences that make us positively pessimistic (pun intended) and yet lead us to believe we are strong, successful, independent women. We defy all laws of Sociology, by being those indivinduals who somehow manage to live and love isolation. We watch movies on our own, and shop with our own money, again on our own, and are comfortable doing this. And all this when the rest of the world wants us to believe, that no one wants to be lonely, and being single is being alone and unloved (?) . Loneliness, is just a state of mind. And the irony of it all is, 'we' feel lonely in a crowd.
So, cheers to all those lonely (single or not doesn't matter) cynics out there!